Position:home>Job>Shanghai is able to bear or endure grow furniture limited company- - manufacturi
Shanghai is able to bear or endure grow furniture limited company- - manufacturi
From;  Author:Stand originally

Manufacturing manager (number of invite applications for a job: 1)
Major of invite applications for a job: Do not be restricted to be versed in oppose resembles: Full-time
Monthly pay: The face views requirement sex: Male
Age requirement: 18- - requirement of 30 years old of record of formal schooling: Do not be restricted
Working area: Experience of Shanghai Shanghai work: Do not be restricted
Requirement of registered permanent residence: Do not be restricted
Issue date: 2008-10-21 16:42:31 period of validity: 90 days

Specific requirement and pay:
Requirement: Position description:
Record of formal schooling of above of three-year institution of higher learning, the product produces familiar Yakeli, plant management produces experience, workplace is in Shanghai area of garden of golden hill industry.

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